
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Beginning, again


2 months between posts is a little long. My only excuse is work - too much of it to both take care of the garden and blog, so guess which took priority? And I have been working in the garden - replacing summer veggies with winter ones (which the bugs all ate), uncovering the sedums underneath the melon (which promptly caused them to get sun burned) and planting more bulbs. At least that worked!
Daffodils coming up - do they know its still December?
 Since its almost the end of the year (and almost a year since the back garden got re-done!) I figured some comparison pictures might be good:
Manfreda undulata 'Chocolate Chip' (top) and O. macrocentra (bottom), when first planted (left) and now (right)
'Chocolate Chip' actually looked better a few weeks ago, before the crazy cold weather hit, but it's still going. I'm hoping it might make some flowers next year. O. macrocentra pretty much exploded in size, and has regained its purple coloring with the cold nights. It bloomed a lot last year - I wonder if the same will happen this year?

My project for January, to get back into blogging regularly, will be to follow Allison at Bonnie Lassie's example, and post one picture per day. It might be a few bleak pictures, depending on how the weather goes! It's been abnormally cold here the last few nights (down in the 20's, even 17 deg F!), so most of my time lately has been spent wrapping up some of the succulents/cacti... But tell that to the little stone cactus, hiding under the leaves and Mexican Feathergrass:
A flower bud again - I thought this thing would be dead after the first year... Maybe the grass helps to keep it warm?
A new beginning, again, for both the stone cactus and my blogging. Happy New Year!


  1. Hey, thanks for the shout-out! It was a challenge getting a photo per day out there. I'm glad to see you back!

    1. Thanks! I was super-impressed by your daily pictures. We'll see how I do...

  2. Glad you took some time to play in the garden and am also glad to see your new posting on your blog! Your before and after pictures illustrate very well how much growth those heat-loving plants can put on in a year of warmer temperatures than we get here!

  3. Thanks for your comment! I always feel like I loose track of how much the garden has changed. I just hope my plants make it through the winter, this being their first one...

  4. Wow that growth is incredible! My O. macrocentra haven't started to turn purple but we haven't had any really cold temps yet, next week is predicted to drop into the high to mid 20's so maybe they'll start to color up then. I look forward to your daily posts!

    1. I hope yours turn purple too! I think its neat how they can take on color almost (what seems like) overnight... Thanks for commenting!


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