
Saturday, February 15, 2014

February Bloom Day

Every month, Carol at May Dream Gardens invites everyone to show their blooms for Garden Blogger's Bloom Day. Here is what is blooming on this (unseasonably hot) day in February in my garden:

daffodils in the front garden
I'm pretty sure the daffodils blooming this early is a response to the hot/dry weather we've been having... they won't last long this spring, I think. It was near 80 degrees today!
There are more in the back garden, growing between clumps of Mexican Feather Grass:
this display should get better in the next week or so - there are more daffodils hiding
 This combo was inspired by a display I saw (on a blog!) last year. If I get better pictures,  I'll do a follow-up post:

The fruit trees are also starting to bloom, here is the nectarine tree:
Pick blossoms - also a little early, I think
 While I was out weeding today, I noticed that the heat has not been kind to these blooms - they already looked shriveled. And I didn't see any bees yet... I hope they last long enough for the pollinators to do their thing!

And here's a little sneak peak of the plant that will be getting "favorite" status soon: Buddleia 'Orange Sceptre', bought last year from Plant Delights. This one has been blooming all winter long, right outside my kitchen window, much to the delight of the hummingbirds!

the orange flowers spikes start small, but end up almost 10 inches tall! 
Go visit Carol's blog to see what else is blooming in other people's gardens... I know a lot of people are still buried under snow - I wish we could trade some of our sunshine for some of that moisture!


  1. Oh My, an orange Buddleia. Can't wait to see that in full bloom. Looking forward to reading your post featuring it.

    1. It's up now for Loree's "favorite plant of the week". Thanks for your comment!

  2. That orange Buddleia looks like its going to be hot! Have to try growing some buddleia again

    1. This one is growing like gang-busters for me! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Your daffodils are beautiful! Most of mine are just starting to put out buds. I hope, for both our sakes, that the current heat in the southwest backs off for awhile so we can enjoy them.

    1. I hope so too! Although I'm also crossing my fingers that we don't get a late desert frost... but some rain would be good. Thanks for visiting!


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