
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year's Eve!

Even though it feels a little bit strange for it to be ~70 degreesF on the last day of the year, it does mean that I got to do a bunch of work in the garden the last few days! Being on break from work and having nice weather meant i had a chance to get started on a number of projects in the garden. Which was great, since that hadn't been the case so far...

But rather than showing a bunch of project pictures, I got distracted by some pretty contrasts in the garden. Here's to hoping that there will be contrast in how much time i can spend in the garden next year also!

spiky and soft (agave shawii and epillbium canum)
this is one of my favorites every year - giant opuntia leaves and delicate cassia (or senna, or..)
different shades of "green" plants  (brown, green, white, blue)
a succulent that's surprisingly alive surrounded by russian sage litter that's very un-surprising
very spike & big and very small & fuzzy
 Ok, one contrast that's a "before and after" - i finally cleaned up some of the overgrown planter pipes! Here is the before:
randomness and the only place i've ever had too much sedum...
 ...and after:
replanted with the cholla back and new xMangaves... and the "chocolate chip" cleaned up too!
Hope everyone has a great New Years Eve, and best wishes for 2018!


  1. Happy New Year, Renee, and a great job!
    Spiky and soft = desert garden design principle.

  2. Taking time to enjoy one's garden is more important than just working in it I think, Renee. All the textural and color contrasts you discovered are wonderful. Best wishes for more time to love your garden in 2018!

  3. Happy New Year, Renee, and hope you have a wonderful 2018!

  4. Happy New Year! Great photos, glad you got some garden time in.

  5. Cool succulent combinations for a warm day. Happy New Year, Renee!


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