
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Cool plant combinations

While it's winter (and cold, and wet (!) outside) so very little gardening going on, this is a great time to look back at some of my favorite plant combinations from Austin! Some of these might be achievable for my zone this year...

In no particular order with some thoughts for me on how to do this in my garden...

silver pony foot always looks so good... except in my garden. Maybe try again?
love this combination of mexican feather grass, fish & cacti (all doable here!)
this planter might be a really good way to keep some of the mangaves in the ground & not eaten...
i really have to track down some bamboo muhly & try it with yuccas like this!
i'm not sure i have room for 3 of these, but i can do this tall-medium-short with some other plants?
I love this agave on a stone column... 
this combo is 100% doable! i just need to move some plants
same for this! although i'm thinking i should replace my Guara so they look more like this
this garden on the last day had so many good, and achievable plant combinations!
i love this combination & want to try it with my current russian sage bed (which doesn't have this view, sadly)
Its fun to come up with new plans, while we get more rain & the plants soak it all up!


  1. These are all great combinations to try, Renee. I haven't had much luck with ponyfoot planted in the ground, at least not the Dichondra 'Silver Falls' cultivar, but it's done fairly well in pots here. My local garden center (Armstrong) now has another silver ponyfoot they claim is tougher but I haven't tried it yet. The leaves are larger than those on 'Silver Falls'.

    1. I will have to try them in some pots next year! I have a small patch in the ground, but it never looks like the ones in Austin.

  2. Great combos, especially the yuccas, bamboo muhly / yuccas, Tait's agave on a column (I did something like that ages ago on a community college project), and the agave with gaura. I can't do gaura well with sandy soil, but the others have potential. Bamboo muhly has a future for sure. Getting ideas...

    1. Now if only i could find bamboo muhly locally...

  3. These are all fabulous and I can’t wait to see how you translate them in your garden.

    1. Brainstorming new gardening combos is my favorite part of winter. Although the rain we've been getting this year has been awesome too!


Please share your thoughts!