
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Tell the Truth Tuesday: how you know you're a boring adult

Alison at Bonney Lassie used to do this thing called "tell the truth tuesday" about the not-so-pretty parts of your garden. I'm not sure if she's still doing it, but seemed like an appropriate theme for this very exciting pair of pictures!

I present to you: GARBAGE CANS!

very exciting - there are 2 grey ones!
The grey ones are for yard waste, and the green one is for recycling. Because that color coding makes total sense...
the new green one comes with this thing called a "lid"
Why am i so excited about garbage cans? Because they had been broken (the green one) or insufficient (the grey one) for a long time. All the way back in November of last year, i finally figured out how to get the city to bring me more/new cans, and after that the saga/waiting game that involved 5 phone calls and dragging empty, broken cans to the road each week, started.

I joke (mostly), but this is very exciting (sorta). It has taken me months to get the city to provide additional yard recycling containers, and a non-broken recycling container. And just in time to finish all the pruning and soon to be arriving plant containers.

It is kind of strange what I can get excited about these days...


  1. Ha! My cans are color coded differently - the yard waste cans are green, the recycle can is blue and the garbage waste can is gray. I'm lucky to have 3 yard waste cans as, until I get my new composting bins, a lot of stuff has to go off-site. One of my green cans is bashed but I haven't wanted to go through the hassle of getting it replaced...

    1. that color coding sure makes more sense... And why is it so hard to get a garbage can replaced?! Glad to know somethings are the same in all places!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congrats! I do understand how exciting this is, as I've just got the one yard waste bin. Interestingly mine are color-coded just the same as Kris's. Your city is weird! ;)

    1. I agree my city is weird... although not cool weird like Austin or Portland... just weird-weird. Maybe it's all this high desert sun!


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