A few weeks ago,
Loree at Danger Garden asked people to tell about their houseplants, and showed hers! It took me a while, but here are all of mine. I have, as it turns out, a lot? I've always had a lot of houseplants... for a long time, i didn't have a garden, and indoor plants is how i gardened. Now, i have the garden,
and a lot of indoor plants. So it's the best of both. If "best" means more plants, which of course it does.
Let's start near the patio door, and go clockwise around the house. I'll warn you - I'm not all that good at taking pictures indoors... But i think i got most of the plants!
this combination of cacti and a few vining plants live to the right of the patio door |
I should also note that i'm not very good at watering - everything that survives inside has to learn to do with watering every 2 weeks or so.
a big monstera, a draceana i rescued from work, and a pathos vine |
The kitchen is to the right of the area we were just in. There's actually an orchid in between that i missed taking a picture of... The kitchen may be getting remodeled soon, and plant needs will be considered!
more cacti. They jump in my cart in stores |
artfully cropped out the dishes! These plants can see their big siblings outside all year |
3rd kitchen window - more cacti and a giant jade plant |
That Jade plant is going to have to move... or i need more counter space. (notes for kitchen remodel...)
Now we're in the dining room. Some people have centerpieces. I have plants:
a non-blooming christmas cactus, an "ikea plant" and a pilea |
more christmas cacti (they are different colors!) and some cuttings |
Now we're in the living room. Before we go around, here's the view back to the stairs:
aloes and hoyas |
The aloes stay there year round. The hoyas (circled in green) go outside in the summer, or as soon as the temperatures at night stay above 50 deg F.
Continuing around the living room - there's a weird open spot near the front window. That's where the Christmas tree was. We're still trying to decide whether the furniture moves back, or if there's more room for plants.
these three are to the left of the window. |
That large pot is a pathos vine. It's probably dead, but it keeps putting out one leaf... and i have a problem with giving up!
although with some new plants in 2 cases |
almost forgot these two - the ficus is mad because i moved it a few weeks ago. |
Not quite done yet! Looking back at the living room, there are two more groups of plants:
two zz plants here |
and two rubber plants (one variegated, one not) here |
Now we're on to the office. This room was sadly lacking in plants up to a few weeks ago. Then this baby showed up:
a monstera (either obliqua and/or adansonii) |
It came from Lowes, with the pot! Which ever one it is, it was a steal, considering.
Outside of the office is the TV room. It has more plants:
this sansevieria probably doesn't get enough light |
another zz plant, and an sansevieria cylindrica |
There is another s. cylindrica i didn't get a picture of, mostly because it's very sad. It's below these two:
a begonia? that really needs a new pot, and another M. adansonii |
almost around:
another sansevieria, and a lamp (not a plant, sadly) |
This next plant has a story - it was given to me by a neighbor years ago, when he and his girlfriend broke up, they were moving, and she didn't want it anymore. I don't know how old it is, but i've probably had it for 10 years? It's the source plant for all the other zz plants i have:
zz plant. It needs to be rotated again so it grows evenly |
Now there is one more area to look at! I thought i had already posted about this on the blog, but i guess not. A few years ago, we remodeled the master bathroom. One goal was to increase the amount of light in the room. The combination of lots of light and more humidity than the rest of the house means that (of course?) the bathroom is filled with plants! This is the far side of our walk in shower:
so many plants! It's like a spa |
Some of the plants in that picture: a nepenthes (bottom right), another monstera, a fiddle leaf fig, a yucca (weird, but it's one of the few plants that does well close to that window), a superlong senecio radicans, and a bunch of other stuff. Outside the shower, there are two other plants:
a spider plant next to the sink |
a fatsia (i think) |
That plant has been a trial and error - it's further away from the window than most plants want to live (the yucca was very unhappy) but the combination of a shade-happy plant and a bit of extra height seems to be doing the trick.
Phew - we made it all the way around! There are few odd and ends that i didn't get a picture of, but i think i captured most of my indoor plants. I would love to promise that i won't get more, but that would be a lie. I like my indoor plants just as much as the garden, so i'm sure they'll keep multiplying... just like they do outside! Do you keep houseplants?