
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Monthly Favorites / April

For fun, I'm joining Loree at Danger Garden in looking at some of my favorites for  April. The garden is making me so happy right now!

(Almost) all the opuntias are blooming. As a whole, they get voted this month's favorite!

O. macrocentra always has a million flowers
This one i got from Loree in a plant swap a long time ago! It has the hugest yellow flowers
The prettiest pale pink. I think this is o. basilaris hyb. 'Baby Rita'
this one (o. ficus indica) makes little yellow flowers 
o. basilaris continues to pump out hot pink blooms
While the optunias are this month's favorites, this is currently my favorite view of the garden:
I'm very excited about the Aloe bloom, and all the colors!
 Pulling back to see a bit more:
I'm pretty sure no garden design book would put all those colors together, but to me they look like joy.
Visit Loree's blog post for her, and others, favorites for April, and enjoy the start of May!


  1. I love that pulled back view of your favorite garden vignette...gorgeous! As are the opuntia blooms. That top image, at first, had me thinking peony flower....I know isn't that crazy? I visited a friends garden yesterday and he has several peony in bloom, I swear one looked just like that opuntia flower. Thanks got sharing your favs!

    1. Since my chances of growing a peony are about zero, i'll take the comparison!

  2. Beautiful flowers. That last shot with the big Agave and puffy clouds is great!

    1. Thank you! I've noticed several times this spring that the clouds look like "story book pictures" of clouds... now if they would only bring some rain!


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