
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Weekend Gardening

For some reason, the garden is making me really happy this Spring. This weekend it was overcast, and even a little bit of rain, and I did a lot of weeding, and still found some snap shots, most of these from the front garden. 
Cherries! Don't tell the birds...

some of these were sweet enough to eat... i tasted!
still haven't figured out what to put in the planter...
this yucca has finally stopped resembling a pineapple
 It got pruned last year during the front garden re-do, without my asking! I'm glad it's back to actually being a focal point in the garden. 

The first of the 'Black Knight' flowers is opening!
All the bloom spikes going up!
 This is my one snap shot of the back garden this weekend... trying to figure out what to do with this area. It needs mulch? more plants? something else? I have been digging holes to catch gophers, but now i'm trying to think of what to do with it...
any ideas?
I hope you enjoyed your weekend!


  1. Cherries? How wonderful. As a chid in England we had a cherry tree but it as hard to get those cherries before the birds did. I think you need to put in some low growing succulents that make a mat. Or something flowering like gazanias. The silver leaf variety is very pretty and does spread.

    1. There are enough cherries to share with the birds this year. Thanks for the idea for that spot - it got some ideas flowing!

  2. Looking good, and those

  3. Congratulations on the cherries! I have a cherry "stick" but it produced no cherries (at least none that I saw...). About the back area, I agree with Rock Rose on the addition of some low growers. Gazanias would handle the coming heat even better than most succulents.

    1. My cherry tree also started as a stick, just 5 years ago. I can't believe how much it has grown. And i went and picked up some gazanais this weekend!

  4. Oh, you are much earlier than me, cherries already! Yum!
    As for plants….I don’t think my kind of plants will survive the relentless, scorching heat you have so you are best taking advice from those in your own area – over here we have rather more gentle summers :-)

    1. The cherries seem early to me as well, must have been our weird spring... And i wish i could grow some of your plants. Thanks for your comment!

  5. Isn't it wonderful how our gardens can make us so happy? Yours is looking especially pretty with all those vibrant spring flowers -- and a blue pot (just my style!).


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