Pam at Digging is hosting
Foliage Follow Up - visit her comments to see everyone else's contributions to celebrating foliage. As always, I'm late! But this weekend was gorgeous, so I spent all the time cleaning and pruning and planting...
One of my two rhubarb plants came back:
Rhubarb in the tube... |
Since this one is all the way leafed out, and there is no sign of the other one, I'm going to guess that it's done for... Do rhubarbs die when they bloom? They don't really like the desert much, but this is year three for this one, so I can eat some now!
The giant un-identified agave is showing off a variety of teeth colors:
also showing some tip damage due to the cold... |
I'm going to have to dig that one out of its tube and liberate some of the pups soon... before they grow through the tube!
Mangave 'Macho Mocha' is starting to bloom:
There are pups under those leaves too... |
For foliage though, this part of the garden remains my favorite:
A. Blue Glow (front), blue fescue, A. "Little Shark" (x2), and optunias |
All the optunias are putting out new growth - time will tell if these are new pads, flowers, or some combination thereof:
unknown Optunia - if these are flowers, that would be the first year it flowers! |
These Optunia basilaris pads are showing a lot of spring growth too:
interesting combination of green and purple-ish |
Shortly after this picture was taken, they got dug out of the tube and planted out to the hill side. Hopefully they like their new home...
Thanks for visiting my garden... I'm off to look at other bloggers' contributions to
Foliage Follow-Up!