Thursday, January 3, 2013

post-christmas trees

For today's picture, here are my two real mini-Christmas trees, all undressed out of their finery:
I still have to find nice planters for them
 The plan is to keep these two alive, more or less at their current size, and use them again next year. This year, one of them sat by the front door, while the other one stayed inside. They're both Italian Stone Pines, the same kind as the larger, in ground pine trees in the back yard:
Pay no attention to the weeds... or the weirdly growing ice plants!
The in-ground trees are going into their second year. At least they're a plant I don't need to worry about winter hardiness this winter. And they seemed to survive our hot summer pretty well also.


  1. So many in Abq and all the SW get these right now and soon plant them out. But it's great to see drought and climate toughness can mean stately, like few other conifers can!

    1. Thanks for your comment! There are two, very large, specimens of these trees across from my house, so I hope mine do as well as those...


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