star of the garden in 2019 |
2019 was an exciting year in the garden - my pond was wonderful, lots of plants did really well, I mostly stayed on top of the weeds, and the patio was a great place to hang out, even in the summer!
looking good even in October! |
For 2020, there are a whole lot of things i want to do, but here are 4 big ones:
- finish the right hill side - i started this last year, and while some of the new plants worked, others didn't. I still need to find something robust yet low to the ground to fill in this part of the hillside.
- be better at pruning - i put off pruning forever, because i always worry that i'll do it wrong and kill the plants. The plants laughingly take advantage and grow to giant green blobs, taking over steps, pots, the entire garden. This year, i'll be better - starting with learning the best ways to prune!
- fix the upper sprinklers - these sprinklers haven't been used in a few years. I started to switch them over to drip, but the pressure is too high... so i'll have to do something about that. Once i unlock this, i can have more pots on the top of the hill. Because of course i need more pots?
- redo the bed around the butterfly bush - this starts with being better at pruning the giant bush (see goal #2) and then figuring out what likes to grow under it. I planted some things a few years ago that turned out well, but are now covered under a layer of butterfly bush leaves. So cleaning that might be the first order of the year.
even with flowers! |
I know better than to set goals about weeding, not buying new plants (ha!) or not buying plants i don't have room for (sigh)! I can dream of a bigger pond, but i'm guessing that one won't happen this year. I do know of several plants that need to move, and gopher holes that need filling, but for now, I'm going to start by dreaming and planning fun things! Oh, and pruning...
Here's to a great gardening year!