Sunday, April 5, 2020

Weekend Wrap up: All the poppies!

Since there's no visiting the poppy preserve this year, i'm extra happy that the poppies are visiting me.. These pictures are from a few days ago, when there was sun and all the flowers were open. Hopefully there will be more of those days soon!

the pond in the middle of the poppies

they are starting their march to the gate

so orange!
 A few close ups...

this one was nearly perfect for a bit

These were some of the first bloomers
 But there's a bunch more plants getting ready to bloom:
if you call them "wildflowers' it sounds better than "weeds"
I've been so grateful to my garden as the pandemic situation develops... Not only is it relaxing to work in the garden, it also gives me something to do that doesn't require reading the news, thinking about work, or worrying. Just pull the weeds! I hope everyone is staying safe, and at home if you can!


  1. Pulling weeds can be a great meditative exercise, Renee! Enjoy your poppies. They look great with agaves.

    1. Thank you! I've told myself that if i pull enough weeds, i can buy new plants to replace the eaten agaves...

  2. Yes, pulling weeds. The rain has softened the ground up again, so that will be an intensive activity as soon as the rain stops. Alyssum everywhere--too much of it.

    Your poppies are lovely.

    1. All this rain we're getting is lovely! I wonder if i'll ever have too many poppies?

  3. It almost feels like cheating, with a garden at home when we're under quarantine! Good to hear you're doing well.

    1. It does! I'm so happy that i have the garden... I hope you're doing well also!


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